Saturday, July 28, 2007

what the...!@#$%

This brief mysterious incident happened in the midnite on July 27, 2007. I had to log on to the e-learning web site to post a something. Something inexplicable happened. I had to repeat entering my password. For accuracy, I key in my password on the address bar then cut and paste it on the password bar. I did exactly that just seconds ago. It failed. So I pasted the password back on the address bar. Now the last number of the password is supposed to be 1. But it was 9. I swear this was not my error. If it were, how could my finger be 9 keys away and as sure as a rectangle has 4 sides I did not use the wrong finger! Could this be a computer glitch? I am positive my computer knows better than that... Accuracy and all! However I believe my computer cannot do any better than what the Unknown wants to do. It was scary man!!! !@#$%^&*

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