Friday, June 22, 2007

The Day

16th June 2007

this is the day, the day that i won't forget....that day morning actually was the convocation for SAS advanced diploma student and i went there just to snap a few photos with my brother. At night there is a SAS Alumni Night Dinner(sports complex). Me as a choir member of TARC,we need to gather at college at 3pm just to rehearsal for that night performance. What the....we practised for 3 hours,then we only found out that we spoke like A-Du's sounds,our voice had gone out.. -.-" While waiting for that Grandfather Ong Kah ting arrive,all the performer on that night keep complaning that they were hungry.He came late,and the whole programme was delayed. What in the programme,we are the 2nd perfomers after their speeches,and we did performed 2 songs~colours of the wind(disney)+stand by me.After performed,what i can say is the audio system controller was very very the lousy. Our performance was just a mess...they din't follow the intruction given by our conductor... By the way,I saw the Whites(from Campbell U)was quite enjoying our performance,but not that Grandfather Ong kah ting,he just sit still and the face just looks like wake up from bed. As time goes on,the final performers~waterboys,has ready to perform(syncronize swimming). This was the first time i ever saw people performed at swimming pool at 10pm+. As they were going to end their performance,they just swim very fast and Shouting loudly. By the way,they are swimming towards those VIP's direction,and those VIP were shocked and immediately move backward. The funny things is that after the waterboys came up from water and stand in a line infront of those VIPs,they shaked their butts accompanied by malay song~(Uu...lalala..Uu..Lalala...)...infront of VIP....What the... -.-" so paiseh man...... the crowd just keep laughing at it...after the whole programme,we..choir member then went to TBR yam cha...till 12am+...tired..

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Not many people has the chance of meeting VIPs so you ought to be proud! :D I'm sure it's a great experience for you!